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Some Roobol Biographies


Roobol the pirate

Cornelis Geerlofszn Roobol was born in Delft. He fought in the army of count Lodewijk in Groningen in 1568, and fled after the defeat of his army at Jemmingen to Emden in Germany. In the spring of 1569, Cornelis was one of the first watergeuzen(translated literally: sea beggars) to get a kaperbrief (written permission to become a pirate) of the prince of Orange. In march 1571 he is a captain, and becomes a luitenant of Bloys van Treslong soon thereafter. It takes not long for hime to become the admiral of the fleet at Emden, and sails on a stolen merchant vessel from Emdens. On 23 june 1571 the watergeuzen are defeated at Emden harbour by Boschuizen, but Cornelis escapes. He robs at the East-Frisian coast, his wife sells the loot. In a violent thunder storm, his ship is lost, and Cornelis is forced to travel by land. Doing this, he gets captured and is sentenced to death by the Spanish. On 17 october 1571, 3 days before his capital punishment is to be carried out, he escapes and joins the watergeuzen again. In april of 1572 he takes part in capturing the city of den Briel, a turning point in the 80 year war (the freedom war of the Dutch, against the king of Spain). After that, he makes a marauding expedition through Zuid-Holland. He is brave but rude, looting is his lust and his life. In the second half of 1572 he is captured again by the Spanish at Haarlem, and executed after all. 

The city of Amsterdam has a "Cornelis Roobolstraat", zip code: NL-1067 AG. This street was called after the pirate/freedom fighter Christiaan Geerlofsz. Roobol. 

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Roobol the vicar

In the dutch royal library we find the Roobol Collection. This collection is named after the Rev. Johan Willem Roobol, clergyman at Egmond aan Zee and former citizen of Dordrecht. Mr. Roobol died in 1979 and left his library (abt. 100 old volumes), together wih a sum of money, to the Stichting Verenigde Openbare Bibliotheken Dordrecht, who has placed the collection at the royal library. 
The Roobol collection consists of some three hundred books, two thirds of which were published before the year 1800 gedrukt werd. The largest part of the collection is about French protestantism.Amongst the authors we find leading French protestants like Pierre Du Moulin (1568-1658), Samuel Des Marets, Theodore De Bèze, Jean Claude (1619-1687), Pierre Jurieu (1637-1713), Jean Daillé, André Rivet and Jacques Saurin (1677-1730). In the collection we find next to rare print from (amongs others) Genève, Charenton,Sedan, La Rochelle en Saumur, which were famous centres of French protestantism, also work of Hugenots who have fled their country, and published their thoughts in Antwerp, Dordrecht, Rotterdam, Delft, Den Haag, Leiden and Amsterdam. 

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Roobol the artists

Christoffel, a  Roobol from Dordrecht, born in 1773, moves around his wedding in 1805 with Sophia Cuntz to den Haag, this branch has lived there for a century. His oldest son was called Cornelis Roobol (1806-1870), a later son was called Dirk Waandert Roobol (1808-1883). 
Cornelis becomes an actor, and spent the most of his life in Amsterdam. He became director of the city theatre, and in 1859 he offered together with his fellow directors a prize for the best play that whey would receive, the winning play would be performed in their theatre. On 22 september 1859, W. J. C. van Hasselt tells Multatuli (one of the most celebrated dutch novelists and play writers) about this , and gives him the advice to send in his play "De Bruid" (the Bride). The directors Roobol, Tjasink en Peters staged Multatuli's play march 1863. 
Dirk Waandert becomes hoofd commies (chief clerk) at the finance departement in den Haag, but is next to that a valued painter, specializing in Gothic script. His daughter Suze (1854-1923) becomes famous as the writer Suze La Chapelle - Roobol , she wrote (amongst other things) a series of children's book in which "Stijfkopje" (a stijfkop is an obstinate person, the ending -je is the diminuative, indicating Stijfkopje was a girl), published by Holkema in Amsterdam. 

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